Inntea - Certifications

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Our certifications

We have always researched the excellence in everything concerning our products, services and internal procedures, increasing our work level day by day. Since our birth, we work paying particular attention to environment, security and quality. This our commitment has been rewarded with the obtainment of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certifications verified and accredited by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance and United Kingdom Accreditation Service, third parts known worldwide for its credibility and relevance which attest officially the compliance of our products, processes and services.
ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015

Certifies the Quality Management System of organizations in all industries and of all sizes. The ISO 9001: 2015 is in possession of the requirements on the quality established at international level. These requirements include the control of business processes, assessing the effectiveness and efficiency and orienting them to the customer's full satisfaction.
ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001:2015

The ISO 14001:2015 certification meets the international standard that defines the parameters within which it must develop an effective Environmental Management System. Rewarding the search for a balance between profit and environmental impact, it is a guarantee of an ongoing commitment by the company's commitment to safeguarding the environment and use of natural resources.
ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001:2018

Occupational Healt ad Safety Assessment Series
It establishes the requirements for a Quality Management System Safety and Health Workers (SSL) based on the hazards and risks that may be present in the workplace, meeting the international standards currently in force. The achievement of this certification depends on several factors, such as the SSL business policy, the nature of the activities carried out and the conditions in which it operates. Obtain ISO 45001:2018 will ensure that companies comply with the provisions of the OSH policy and demonstrates its willingness to manage and improve over time their system.
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INNTEA is a qualified supplier ENEL

We are qualified Enel supplier since 2014.
Enel has found in us a valid company, which guarantees adapted to their high standard works and services.

Certification for Government Procurement

Certification for Government Procurement

We have the SOA certification (company of attestation: Italian private-law entitiy authorized by the Authority for the Supervision of Public Works) for these type of works: OG9, OS30, OG10; another confirmation of our technical and economical ability.
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